Deep mind, body and soul surrender awaits
In preparation for your session, we recommend:
Using a pair of headphones
Making your space as comfortable as possible so you’re supported and warm
Settle in and press play below
Important Note: Please do not listen to this session while driving or operating heavy machinery
“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. “ Lao Tzu
So, what’s this session all about?
Finding a place of utter contentment beneath the busy mind and changing body brings profound benefits both mentally and physically. Not only does this place of harmony allow our mind to rest and reset, it allows us to gently fall beneath the tension, detach from our ever changing body and welcome in a deep state of balance within the mind and body.
Merging science with sound, Maeve & Lorenzo from Soulful Soundwaves invite you for an online sonic headphone meditation experience that has been carefully composed to guide your entire being into one of sublime stillness.
Throughout this session, you will have the pleasure to lie immersed in blissful brain-entraining frequencies (binaural beats) and a purposely composed music meditation to harmonise and relax the two hemispheres of the brain and ground your entire being into balance.
This musical retreat will leave you feeling relaxed, peaceful and ready to tackle what once would have been challenging with ease and grace.
“Whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. What is soft is strong. ”
What can you expect from this session?
The meditation will last for approx 30 minutes
This session is a journey through sound.
Everything you need to know will be explained in the session. You do not need any prior meditation experience.
Our suggestions to make your relaxation session effective and enjoyable:
Set up a comfortable space to ensure you can really surrender to the experience.
Make sure your device is receiving good strength wifi/mobile data.
Use good quality headphones for optimal results.
Choose a position which is comfortable for you body. We suggest lying down supported by blankets and a bolster under the knees.
If you have any questions or queries between now and our online event, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing
Maeve & Lorenzo x