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Music Meditation

  • Zen Collective Building 11J. 106 Old Pittwater Road Brookvale Australia (map)
Music Meditation

Join Soulful Soundwaves on Sunday 6 August at 3.30pm for a nurturing sound soak - a unique and deeply relaxing meditative musical experience. 

Using a technique of brain entrainment called binaural beats, an enhanced tuning (432Hz) and relaxing melodies, Soulful Soundwaves composes music that deeply resonates with the mind and body.  
By passively listening to music, your brain is going to be seduced and guided inwards to remove any unwanted tension and provide access to a calmer and relaxed brainwave state. 

During this session, you simply get to relax in a comfortable position and let your mind and body absorb these nurturing and beneficial frequencies. Allow Soulful Soundwaves to take you on a calming musical journey to mindfulness. 
No previous experience with meditation required, beginners are more than welcome. Spaces are limited so get in quick to avoid disappointment.

If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies.
— Dr. Mitchell Gaynor 
Earlier Event: 29 July
Live Music & Mindfulness
Later Event: 16 September
Live Music & Mindfulness