Turning our little dream into reality was definitely not easy. It challenged us in more ways than we could possibly begin to explain. And it was definitely more times than twice when we asked ourselves “are we absolutely crazy?”
"We don't have to be these average everyday humans anymore"
Solli Raphael, the youngest ever winner of the Australian Poetry Slam delivered a touching, deep and compelling message during an encore on the stage of the Sydney Opera House on the 15th of October 2017.
Learning how to deal with negative feedback
How to overcome jet lag with binaural beats
6 facts why music is good for your brain
Music is such a powerful tool. Listening to music can help pick us up if we’re feeling low, help motivate us to run that little bit longer or help us focus to get through that late evening at work. With all the advancements in science and research, we now know a little more about what’s really going on inside our brain when we listen to music.
Event: Live Music & Mindfulness
New track launch: Dragonfly
Is your happiness affecting your family?
3 easy tips to effectively help others
“You can only help others if you help yourself first.” I've heard this phrase so many times that when it comes up in a conversation it sounds like a refrain on an old record. Repetition doesn’t make it less true, but often when we hear it we’d like to ask that person “I know, I get it, but what does it mean practically? Can you tell me what I can do to help myself?”
A left hemispheric society
Music is a non-verbal language used since the dawn of time, from when the first men used it to accompany ceremonies and rituals, or just as a way to express their feelings. Communicating and inspiring emotions is in fact the primary aim of any form of art, from painting to drama, from poetry to media arts, from dance to music.